Travelling To Kushinagar
Kushinagar is 52 km from Gorakhpur. It is 176 km from Lumbini in Nepal and 148 km from Kapilavastu.
NEAREST RAILWAY STATIONÂ : Gorakhpur is a rail junction and is connected to Delhi, Kolkata and Mumbai.
NEAREST AIRPORTÂ : Varanasi, 280 km. Then 8 hours by road.
BY ROADÂ : Buses are available from Gorakhpur railway station. It is connected by road to most cities of Uttar Pradesh like Varanasi, Lucknow and Allahabad.
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![At Kushinagar](https://www.daiwikhotels.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/At-Kushinagar-1-1.jpg)
At Kushinagar
From then on the Buddha was not well and chose to withdraw from more crowded places into the...
![After The Buddha](https://www.daiwikhotels.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/buddha-idol-kushinagar-1.jpg)
After The Buddha
All the Buddha’s powerful disciples like King Ajatshatru of Magadha and monks like Mahakashyapa gathered...
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The Maha Parinirvana Temple
This chaitya has an image of the Buddha that portrays his last hours. It is a six metre long image of the...
![Mathakuar Temple & Monasteries](https://www.daiwikhotels.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/mathakuar-temple-1.jpg)
Mathakuar Temple & Monasteries
Nearby is a small temple that marks the spot where the Buddha gave his last sermon. Inside there is a sitting...
Like in all Buddhist pilgrimages, Buddha Purnima is celebrated at Kushinagar in all the monasteries...
![Travelling To Kushinagar](https://www.daiwikhotels.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/travelling-to-Kushinagar-1-1.jpg)
Travelling To Kushinagar
Kushinagar is 52 km from Gorakhpur. It is 176 km from Lumbini in Nepal and 148 km from Kapilavastu…